Getting the proper training and certification will enable you to become a GREAT ballroom dance teacher!
Sometimes when my students get frustrated, I remind them, “It’s only dancing!”
While this is true, there is another side that says, “If you’re going to do something, do it right.”
Very famous people have said this way before me. Here are a few examples of this sentiment:
“What is once well done is done forever.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” ~ John W. Gardner
To be a great dance teacher, you need to have both a breadth and depth of knowledge. I thought you might find it interesting to see some of what Ballroom Dance Teachers College trainees are required to learn.
Below is an example of a written test (and answer sheet) from our training program for American Style Waltz using the DVIDA syllabus. You might quiz yourself and see how many of the questions you can answer before looking at the answer sheet. Perhaps you’ll learn a thing or two about the Waltz in the process.
I also hope getting a peek at small part of our dance teacher training curriculum helps you more fully appreciate all the hard work that goes into training to be a ballroom dance instructor and getting professionally certified. Trained ballroom teachers are truly dedicated professionals!
Click on the images below to download .pdf files of the Waltz test and answer sheet:
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